Subverse waifus
Subverse waifus

subverse waifus

  • Country Matters: He is pretty nonchalant when using the "c-word" because he is Australian.
  • Cool Starship: Being the owner of the Mary Celeste.
  • He seemly wears a white striped Deadpool-esque mask, in actuality he is indeed wearing underwear over his face. However, in the cinematic trailer, the narrator calls him a "loser of no significance" which he takes offense to.
  • Cool Loser: He has a Cool Starship, a Heroic Build, and is surrounded by sexy ladies.
  • Chick Magnet: Considering that he can possibly end up with every female crewmate on his ship.
  • Boldly Coming: He can get together with any Green-Skinned Space Babes that join his crew.
  • Awesome Aussie: If it wasn't already clear that he is Australian.
  • For example, he had this line the first time he sees Killi in action: "Oh shit! Am I actually peeking at the paradoxical pending process of poised potent pirates perilously pirating a peculiar payload from panicked pestilent pirates?"
  • Added Alliterative Appeal: Occasionally does this for fun.
  • Just in case you didn’t notice, he’s pretty Australian.


    Give him a head to crack and he’ll glass the cunt and shout you a coldie on the way out.

    subverse waifus

    Bring him a smuggling contract and he’ll put in the hard yakka guaranteed, legless or not. The Captain is an absolute madlad fuckin’ unit of a good cunt that leaves a trail of smashed sheilas and tinnies in his wake. If we don't count the Mantics then there is only 2 guys on a crew mostly made up of Action Girls, the Captain and Va’tor Dallick. Robosexual: Pretty much the entire crew all have a thing for DEMI and don't mind being Friends with Benefits with her.Several of them are even outcasts to their own people. Ragtag Bunches of Misfits: The crew of the Mary Celeste, which includes a masked smuggler, a Sex Bot, a Hot Scientist, a Playful Hacker, a Pirate Girl, a hedonistic Warrior Princess, a former porn star Space Elf, a Cat Girl Phantom Thief, mutant hybrid aliens, and many more.Fanservice: Once again, all the female crew members. Friends with Benefits: Many members of the crew have this relationship with each other, including the mutant Hybrid Monsters.Everyone Is Bi: Most, if not all, of the female crew member are bisexual, and would frequently have sex with each other.All of whom are working against The Empire. Anti-Hero: The crew consists of a smuggler that hires an illegal Sex Bot, Space Pirates, a computer hacker, a Mad Scientist, a Classy Cat Burglar, and many others to be a part of his crew.All Women Are Lustful: Again, all of the female crew members.Action Girl: All of the female crew members are this.PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE.

    subverse waifus

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    subverse waifus

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  • Subverse waifus